Surf Sports carnival officials ensure our competitions are run in a safe and secure environment, while maintaining the rules and regulations.

Core Officials

Officials working with entry level participants in a club surf sport environment (recreationally or competitively). Participants will generally be non-bronze proficient. Core Officials need to understand the core elements of the Surf Sport environment and how this relates to officiating in junior surf sport (beach, board and swim) environments. This course provides a basic understanding of the key events conducted for junior level competitions. Core Officials are permitted to Officiate at any carnivals and competitions including State Championships where up to and including under 14 years age categories are conducted. There are four duties that they can carry out: Marshall, Recording Judge, Timekeeping Judge and Finish Judge. Core Officials will be supervised at competitions by a competent Technical (or above) accredited Official.


  • 16+ years
  • Working with Children Check
  • SLSA Membership

Technical Officials

Officials who choose to fulfil specific officiating roles and who work with participants who are actively competing in a club/branch/state surf sport competition environments.

  • Requirements
    16 Years +
  • Working with Children Check
  • ASC Community Officiating General Principles
  • SLSA Membership