Sponsors and Partners

Sponsors and Partners

Tugun Surf Life Saving Club is a not-for-profit incorporated association that has served our local community for over 90 years.

The club patrols the beaches of Tugun located at the Southern end of the Gold Coast and our volunteer surf lifesavers provide an invaluable service to the community. It has been estimated that if not for the efforts of Australia’s Surf Life Savers, around 500 people would drown around the coast each year.

Our Club has a strong nipper program, providing education about surf safety and beach awareness.

What better reason to come on board and sponsor surf life-saving?

If you own a business or work for a company that may be interested in sponsoring or donating to Tugun Surf Life Saving Club, please contact the Club on Phone: 5534 2888 Line 2 or email: surfadmin@tugunslsc.com.au

The Club sincerely thanks our current sponsors, partners and supporters

In recognition of their support and to thank all the businesses who are kind enough to support our clubs ongoing activities and services, we ask members to support them with our patronage and/or a letter of thanks.