Member Protection and Inclusion
Besides the incredible importance of keeping our members protected, SLSA and its member organisations have a strong commitment, and specific requirements, related to Member Protection. Everyone in SLS, from Board to Executives to Staff and Volunteers, is responsible to:
- protect CYP from all forms of abuse, bullying and exploitation by SLS people;
- be alert to incidents of child abuse and neglect occurring outside of SLS that may have an impact on the CYP involved in SLS programs and activities;
- provide CYP with information, support and reporting processes; and
- create and maintain a child safe culture that is understood, endorsed and put into action by all the individuals who work for, volunteer or access our programs and services.
As a member organisation of SLSA, Tugun Surf Life Saving Club takes its responsibility to deliver a safe, fair and inclusive environment for CYP involved in Surf Lifesaving (SLS) seriously. Therefore, All Club Members over the age of 18 are required to:
- Hold a current Qld Working With Children Blue Card (‘Blue Card’).
- Undertake the SLSA Child and Youth Risk Management Strategies course, undertaken through the SLSA Member Area, found in the eLearning section.
- Undertake the SLSQ Child Safe Awareness course, also undertaken through the SLSA Member Area, found in the eLearning section.
Policies (remember all policies, procedures and guidelines can be found in the document library located in your SLSA Member Area)
- About the Child Safe Program
- Child Safe Guideline Policy 6.04 – Child Safe
- Child Safe Code of Conduct
- Policy 6.05 – Member Protection
- Policy 6.06 – Complaints Resolution
Blue Cards
- Member Protection Policy and Blue Card Procedures can be viewed here
- We encourage all our members to apply online for renewing and/or new Blue Card application
- Guidelines to apply online can be viewed Blue Card Application Process Flow Chart (Sep 2023)
- If you wish to complete a paper based application, please download the appropriate form here and bring to the Club Office for submission:
- Please remember all paper based applications must be accompanied by a certified copy of your drivers license (ensure it is clear and easily read)
- If you do not have a drivers licence or live in NSW, you can obtain a Customer Reference Number (CRN) by attending a TMR Customer Service Centre, ensuring that you have the required identification for the TMR to sight. Click here for more information.
- The nearest TMR Customer Service Centre to Tugun SLSC is the Currumbin Waters Transport and Main Roads Customer Service Centre.
Completing the Child Youth Risk Management Module (CYRM)
- All members 18 years & over must complete the CYRM upon joining the club
- This short online course is part of the Child Risk Management Strategy and will take approx 15 minutes.
- Guidelines to locating and completing the CYRM module in eLearning are located here.
Completing SLS Children Safe Awareness Course
- All members 18 years & over must complete the Child Safe Awareness Course
- This short online course is part of the Child Risk Management Strategy and will take approx 30 minutes.
- Guidelines to locating and completing this module in eLearning is located here.